Sunday, March 6, 2011

Want to save your joints? Run on Woodway!

Woodway Treadmills - For The Long Run...

I just came off of my first ever 15 mile run, and I did it on a Woodway treadmill. Even after I pressed "STOP", I felt like I could have kept running all day. These treadmills provide the most shock absorbent padding for your joints. Running on concrete makes me doubt how far I will make it as a runner - running on this treadmill makes me question my doubt.

Unlike conventional tread mills, the belt is covered with thin strips of rubbery material giving it amazing padding, flexibility and that give reminiscent of running on a track. Unfortunately these beasts come with a $10,000 price tag so bringing one home is questionable. However, I recommend calling gyms in your area to inquire if they have this machine before joining; or else lobbying your gym to buy one!